Payment of house rent for Widow

Name Withheld(Widow)

We assisted a widow towards paying her full annual house rent for her & her two kids, for a one-bedroom apartment.
On the 10/06/2014

Charity Home Visit

House of Mercy Children's Home - 44 Adebambo Street, off Orelope Street, Egbeda

The day fell on Good Friday. We took along food items and other needs for the children. The lady and proprietor met received the team well, and her work was applauded for taking the young children under her care.
On the 03/04/2015

Donation towards supporting IDPs in Nigeria

IDP Camp, Kaura, Abuja

Donated food items – rice, beans, and oil. Report was submitted on 23rd August via mail to the team and also posted on the LASU Alumni Facebook page.
On the 22/08/2015

Donation towards supporting IDPs in Nigeria

IDP Camp, Kaura, Abuja

In the spirit of celebrating the Muslim Eid with some of the Muslim faithfuls within the camp, the group decided to purchase some food items that was delivered on the morning of the Sallah day.
On the  24/09/2015